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发布日期:2018年05月23日  来源:上海新天地朗廷酒店



With the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle held on 19th May drawing global attention, The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, has created “Your Dream of Royal” Wedding package especially for you.

伦敦朗廷酒店于1865年6月10日由威尔士王子亲自主持揭幕仪式 ,开业后还见证了一场“世纪之恋”—在这里威尔士王子向沃利斯·辛普森夫人求婚。150多年以来,伦敦朗廷酒店接待了维多利亚女王,爱德华七世,柯南·道尔爵士,毛姆,王尔德,丘吉尔,以及后来的戴安娜王妃,埃尔顿·约翰,李察·基尔,辛迪·克劳馥等王室和社会名流明星。伦敦朗廷酒店更是英式下午茶的发源地; 可谓处处显示其高尚典雅的英国传承。

Opened by the Prince Regent in 1865, The Langham, London has had royal connections since day one, having welcomed everyone from Mrs. Wallis Simpson to Princess Diana. It was also the place where the first English  Afternoon Tea was originated.


每桌人民币18,888*元(每桌10位)+ 16.6%  服务费



· 蜜月礼遇为尊享伦敦朗廷酒店两晚住宿

· 婚宴主桌使用有英国王室认证的Wedgwood名瓷餐具

· 婚宴当日升级入住上海新天地朗廷酒店总统套房,可享新鲜果盘,巧克力及香槟

· 英伦风格朗廷粉色汽车半天使用

· 入住期间新人享受朗廷经典Wedgwood英式下午茶

· 蝉联米其林三星唐阁中餐厅特色婚宴三道菜肴

· 英伦风尊贵婚礼布置

· 朗廷双层餐桌鲜花布置

“Your Dream of Royal Wedding” Package at The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, is priced at
RMB 18,888*(per table of 10 persons), featuring two-night Honeymoon stay at The Langham, London.  You are also entitled to a string of privileged benefits listed below:

· Tableware of Wedgwood, holder of the Royal Warrant, for your banquet head table.

· Upgrade of your stay on the wedding day to Presidential Suite with exquisite set-up of fruit plate, chocolate and Champagne

· Half- day use of The Langham Pink Taxi

· Enjoyment of the classic Wedgwood afternoon tea  during your stay

· Menu featuring 3 cuisine specialties of the Three Michelin-starred T’ang  Court

· Wedding banquet designed in British style

· Double-layer luxurious floral centrepiece

* The above pricing is subject to 16.6% service charge and the package can be availed before 30th June 2019.

我们竭诚为您在上海打造英伦“王室婚礼”的盛况, 让您梦想成真。上海新天地朗廷酒店秉持经典隽永的英伦优雅与浪漫,结合新天地核心娱乐地带的时尚气息;新天地宴会厅更散发着朗廷不凡的传承和气质。位于酒店3楼的大宴会厅坐拥555平方米 (5,974平方英尺) 豪华空间,可举办容纳320人的晚宴。宴会厅亦可分隔为三个独立场地以供举行较小规模活动,每个场地(分隔后)可举办容纳至少150位宾客的酒会。

The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi, is your ultimate destination for a dream wedding banquet in the heart of Shanghai.   With its sweeping ceiling, stylish décor and captivating grandeur, The Langham Xintiandi Grand Ballroom exudes five-star sophistication and grace. Able to accommodate up to 320 guests for a sit-down banquet, the Level 3 Xintiandi Grand Ballroom represents 555m2 (5,974 ft2) of luxurious space. For smaller functions, the Ballroom can be configured into three smaller venues, each one large enough to host at least 150 guests in a reception setting.

查询或预订,请致电(86 21) 2330 2226/2224或发邮件至tlshx.weddings@langhamhotels.com

For more information and reservations, please contact catering sales at (86 21) 2330 2226/2224 or email us at tlshx.weddings@langhamhotels.com.

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