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发布日期:2018年04月08日  来源:万豪国际集团

万豪华东区商务理事会联手国际公益组织“微笑行动”(Operation Smile),发起“为爱骑行Cycling for Love ”慈善骑行活动,号召公众一同加入骑行行列,帮助贫困唇腭裂患儿的求医之路。

万豪华东区商务理事会联手国际公益组织“微笑行动”(Operation Smile),发起“为爱骑行Cycling for Love ”慈善骑行活动,号召公众一同加入骑行行列,帮助贫困唇腭裂患儿的求医之路。因为每一个善意的举动,都能让孩子们离微笑更近一步。本次微笑行动.为爱骑行活动由浙江安吉JW万豪酒店牵头,通过慈善骑行,慈善挖笋、慈善晚宴及拍卖、线下捐款等环节,共筹得227,435元善款。所有善款将用于中国贫困地区唇腭裂儿童的救助。

The Marriott East China Business Councils join hands with Operation Smile, a world-wide known charity organization, for launching the “Cycling for Love, Ride for Smile” Charity Event. All cycling recruitment fee will donate to Operation Smile as transportation and operation fees for children with cleft lip or cleft palate in China. Every Small Charity action brings the child one step closer to a smile. The Operation Smile, Cycling for Love charity activities was taken lead by JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji. This event totally raised 200,000RMBthrough charity cycling, bamboo digging, offline donation, charity dinner and auction. All charity funds raised will use to support the Operation Smile for the cure of underprivileged cleft lip or cleft palate children in rural China.


There are around 25000-30000 newborn baby with cleft lip or cleft palate each year. There also have numerous children missing the operation chance. “For years, Marriott Business Council have supported and witnessed the enormous help that Operation Smile has provided for children with cleft lip or cleft palate in China. This year Marriott East China business council initiated the “Cycling for Love” campaign; the Councils Chairman Alfred Gao hopes to draw more attention from the public to this particular project as well as to children with cleft lip or cleft palate. He hopes through such collaborative efforts, we will see smiles on more children’s faces.”



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